LD 2245
pg. 443
Page 442 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 444 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

into under former Article 9 must be terminated, completed,
consummated, and enforced under this Article. Subsection (b)
[Maine cite subsection (2)] is an exception to the general rule.
It applies to valid, pre-effective-date transactions and liens
that were not governed by former Article 9 but would be governed
by this Article if they had been entered into or created after
this Article takes effect. Under subsection (b) [Maine cite
subsection (2)], these valid transactions, such as the creation
of agricultural liens and security interests in commercial tort
claims, retain their validity under this Article and may be
terminated, completed, consummated, and enforced under this
Article. However, these transactions also may be terminated,
completed, consummated, and enforced by the law that otherwise
would apply had this Article not taken effect.

2. Judicial Proceedings Commenced Before Effective Date. As
is usual in transition provisions, subsection (c) [Maine cite
subsection (3)] provides that this Article does not affect
litigation pending on the effective date.

§9-1703.__Security interest perfected before effective date

(1)__A security interest that is enforceable immediately
before this Article takes effect and would have priority over the
rights of a person that becomes a lien creditor at that time is a
perfected security interest under this Article if, when this
Article takes effect, the applicable requirements for
enforceability and perfection under this Article are satisfied
without further action.

(2)__Except as otherwise provided in section 9-1705, if,
immediately before this Article takes effect, a security interest
is enforceable and would have priority over the rights of a
person that becomes a lien creditor at that time, but the
applicable requirements for enforceability or perfection under
this Article are not satisfied when this Article takes effect,
the security interest:

(a)__Is a perfected security interest for one year after
this Article takes effect;

(b)__Remains enforceable thereafter only if the security
interest becomes enforceable under section 9-1203 before the
year expires; and

(c)__Remains perfected thereafter only if the applicable
requirements for perfection under this Article are satisfied
before the year expires.

Official Comment

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