LD 2245
pg. 445
Page 444 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 446 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

Example 2: A pre-effective-date possessory security interest in
instruments is perfected by a bailee's receipt of notification
under former 9-305. The bailee has not, however, acknowledged that
it holds for the secured party's benefit under revised Section 9-
313 [Maine cite section 9-1313]. Unless the bailee authenticates a
record acknowledging that it holds for the secured party (or
another appropriate perfection step is taken) within the one-year
period following the effective date, the security interest becomes
unperfected at the end of that period.

3. Interpretation of Pre-Effective-Date Security Agreements.
Section 9-102 [Maine cite section 9-1102] defines "security
agreement" as "an agreement that creates or provides for a
security interest." Under Section 1-201(3), an "agreement" is a
"bargain of the parties in fact." If parties to a pre-effective-
date security agreement describe the collateral by using a term
defined in former Article 9 in one way and defined in this
Article in another way, in most cases it should be presumed that
the bargain of the parties contemplated the meaning of the term
under former Article 9.

Example 3: A pre-effective-date security agreement covers
"all accounts" of a debtor. As defined under former Article 9,
an "account" did not include a right to payment for lottery
winnings. These rights to payment are "accounts" under this
Article, however. The agreement of the parties presumptively
created a security interest in "accounts" as defined in former
Article 9. A different result might be appropriate, for example,
if the security agreement explicitly contemplated future changes
in the article 9 [Maine cite Article 9-A] definitions of types of
collateral-e.g., "'Accounts' means 'accounts' as defined in the
UCC Article 9 of [State X], as that definition may be amended
from time to time." Whether a different approach is appropriate
in any given case depends on the bargain of the parties, as
determined by applying ordinary principles of contract

§9-1704.__Security interest unperfected before effective date

A security interest that is enforceable immediately before
this Article takes effect but which would be subordinate to the
rights of a person that becomes a lien creditor at that time:

(1)__Remains an enforceable security interest for one year
after this Article takes effect;

(2)__Remains enforceable thereafter if the security interest
becomes enforceable under section 9-1203 when this Article takes
effect or within one year thereafter; and

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