LD 2245
pg. 449
Page 448 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 450 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

that, during the early years of this Article's effectiveness, it
may be necessary to search the files not only in the jurisdiction
whose law governs perfection under this Article but also (if
different) in the jurisdiction(s) whose law governed perfection
under former Article 9. To limit this burden, subsection (c)
[Maine cite subsection (3)] provides that a financing statement
filed in the jurisdiction determined by former Section 9-103
becomes ineffective at the earlier of the time it would become
ineffective under the law of that jurisdiction or June 30, 2006.
The June 30, 2006, limitation addresses some nonuniform versions
of former Article 9 that extended the effectiveness of a
financing statement beyond five years. Note that a financing
statement filed before the effective date may remain effective
beyond June 30, 2006, if subsection (d) [Maine cite subsection
(4)] (concerning continuation statements) or (e) [Maine cite
subsection (5)] (concerning transmitting utilities) or Section 9-
706 [Maine cite section 9-1706] (concerning initial financing
statements that operate to continue pre-effective-date financing
statements) so provides.

Subsection (c) [Maine cite subsection (3)] is an exception to
Section 9-703(b) [Maine cite section 9-1703, subsection (2)].
Under the general rule in Section 9-703(b) [Maine cite section 9-
1703, subsection (2)], a security interest that is enforceable
and perfected on the effective date of this Article is a
perfected security interest for one year after this Article takes
effect, even if the security interest is not enforceable under
this Article and the applicable requirements for perfection under
this Article have not been met. However, in some cases
subsection (c) [Maine cite subsection (3)] may shorten the one-
year period of perfection; in others, if the security interest is
enforceable under Section 9-203 [Maine cite section 9-1203], it
may extend the period of perfection. A financing statement that
remains effective under subsection (c) [Maine cite subsection
(3)] may be amended (but generally may not be continued) after
this Article takes effect by filing an amendment in the office
where the financing statement was filed.

Example 1: On July 3, 1996, D, a State X corporation, creates
a security interest in certain manufacturing equipment located in
State Y. On July 6, 1996, SP perfects a security interest in the
equipment under former Article 9 by filing in the office of the
State Y Secretary of State. See former Section 9-103(1)(b).
This Article takes effect in States X and Y on July 1, 2001.
Under Section 9-705(c) [Maine cite section 9-1705, subsection
(3)], the financing statement remains effective for the first
five days of July, 2001, after which it lapses. See former
Section 9-403. Had SP continued the effectiveness of the
financing statement by filing a continuation statement in State Y
under former Article 9 before
July 1, 2001, the financing

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