LD 2245
pg. 456
Page 455 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 457 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

Official Comment

1. Law Governing Priority. Ordinarily, this Article
determines the priority of conflicting claims to collateral.
However, when the relative priorities of the claims were
established before this Article takes effect, former Article 9

Example 1: In 1999, SP1 obtains a security interest in a
right to payment for goods sold ("account"). SP1 fails to file a
financing statement. This Article takes effect on July 1, 2001.
Thereafter, on August 1, 2001, D creates a security interest in
the same account in favor of SP2, who files a financing
statement. This Article determines the relative priorities of
the claims. SP-2's security interest has priority under Section
9-322(a)(1) [Maine cite section 9-1322, subsection (1), paragraph

Example 2: In 1999, SP1 obtains a security interest in a
right to payment for goods sold ("account"). SP1 fails to file a
financing statement. In 2000, D creates a security interest in
the same account in favor of SP2, who likewise fails to file a
financing statement. This Article takes effect on July 1, 2001.
Because the relative priorities of the security interests were
established before the effective date of this Article, former
Article 9 governs priority, and SP-1's security interest has
priority under former Section 9-312(5)(b).

Example 3: The facts are as in Example 2, except that, on
August 1, 2001, SP-2 files a proper financing statement under
this Article. Until August 1, 2001, the relative priorities of
the security interests were established before the effective date
of this Article, as in Example 2. However, by taking the
affirmative step of filing a financing statement, SP-2
established anew the relative priority of the conflicting claims
after the effective date. Thus, this Article determines
priority. SP-2's security interest has priority under Section 9-
322(a)(1). [Maine cite section 9-1322, subsection (1), paragraph

As Example 3 illustrates, relative priorities that are
"established" before the effective date do not necessarily remain
unchanged following the effective date. Of course, unlike
priority contests among unperfected security interests, some
priorities are established permanently, e.g., the rights of a
buyer of property who took free of a security interest under
former Article 9.

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