LD 2245
pg. 461
Page 460 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 462 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

to the buyer (section 2-401) is limited in effect to a
reservation of a "security interest." The term also includes any
interest of a consignor and a buyer of accounts or, chattel
paper, which a payment intangible or a promissory note in a
transaction that is subject to Article 9 9-A. The special
property interest of a buyer of goods on identification of such
goods to a contract for sale under section 2-401 is not a
"security interest", but a buyer may also acquire a "security
interest" by complying with Article 9 9-A. Unless a lease or
consignment is intended as security, reservation of title
thereunder is not a "security interest" but a consignment is in
any event subject to the provisions on consignment sales (section
2-326). Except as otherwise provided in section 2-505, the right
of a seller or lessor of goods under Article 2 or 2-A to retain

or acquire possession of the goods is not a "security interest,"
but a seller or lessor may also acquire a "security interest" by
complying with Article 9-A.__The retention or reservation of
title by a seller of goods notwithstanding shipment or delivery
to the buyer (section 2-401) is limited in effect to a
reservation of a "security interest."

Official Comment

9. "Buyer in Ordinary Course of Business." From Section 1,
Uniform Trust Receipts Act. The definition has been expanded to
make clear the type of person protected. Its major significance
lies in Section 2-403 and in the Article on Secured Transactions
(Article 9 [Maine cite Article 9-A]).

The reference to minerals and the like makes clear that a
buyer in ordinary course buying minerals under the circumstances
described takes free of a prior mortgage created by the sellers.
See Comment to Section 9103.

A pawnbroker cannot be a buyer in ordinary course of business
because the person from whom he buys goods (or acquires ownership
after foreclosing an initial pledge) is typically an ordinary
user and not a person engaged in selling goods of that kind.

The first sentence of paragraph (9) makes clear that a buyer
from a pawnbroker cannot be a buyer in ordinary course of
business.__The second sentence tracks Section 6-102(1)(m).__It
explains what it means to buy "in the ordinary course."__The
penultimate sentence prevents a buyer that does not have the
right to possession as against the seller from being a buyer in
ordinary course of business.__Concerning when a buyer obtains
possessory rights, see Sections 2-502 and 2-716.__However, the
penultimate sentence is not intended to affect a buyer's status
as a buyer in ordinary course of business in cases (such as a

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