LD 2245
pg. 463
Page 462 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 464 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

be assigned except where the assignment would materially change
the duty of the other party, or increase materially the burden or
risk imposed on him the buyer or seller by his the contract, or
impair materially his the chance of obtaining return performance.
A right to damages for breach of the whole contract or a right
arising out of the assignor's due performance of his the
assignor's entire obligation can be assigned despite agreement

Sec. B-7. 11 MRSA §2-210, sub-§(2-A) is enacted to read:

(2-A)__The creation, attachment, perfection or enforcement of
a security interest in the seller's interest under a contract is
not a transfer that materially changes the duty of or increases
materially the burden or risk imposed on the buyer or impairs
materially the buyer's chance of obtaining return performance
within the purview of subsection (2) unless, and then only to the
extent that, enforcement actually results in a delegation of
material performance of the seller.__Even in that event, the
creation, attachment, perfection and enforcement of the security
interest remain effective, but:

(i)__The seller is liable to the buyer for damages
caused by the delegation to the extent that the damages
could not reasonably be prevented by the buyer; and

(ii)__A court having jurisdiction may grant other
appropriate relief, including cancellation of the
contract for sale or an injunction against enforcement
of the security interest or consummation of the

Official Comment

3. Under subsection (2) rights which are no longer executory
such as a right to damages for breach or a right to payment of an
"account" as defined in the Article on Secured Transactions
(Article 9) may be assigned although the agreement prohibits
assignment. In such cases no question of delegation of any
performance is involved. The assignment of a "contract right" as
defined in the Article on Secured Transactions (Article 9) is not
covered by this subsection. Subsection (2) is subject to Section
9-406 [Maine cite section 9-1406], which makes rights to payment
for goods sold ("accounts"), whether or not earned, freely
alienable notwithstanding a contrary agreement or rule of law.

Official Comment for §2-312

5. Subsection (2) recognizes that sales by sheriffs,
executors, certain foreclosing lienors and persons similarly

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