LD 2245
pg. 466
Page 465 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 467 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

against a delivery to a merchant for resale being a "sale on

2. The right to return goods for failure to conform to the
contract of sale does not make the transaction a "sale on
approval" or "sale or return" and has nothing to do with this
section and the following section or Section 2-327. The present
This section is not concerned with remedies for breach of
contract. It deals instead with a power given by the contract to
turn back the goods even though they are wholly as warranted.
This section nevertheless presupposes that a contract for sale is
contemplated by the parties, although that contract may be of the
particular character here described that this section addresses
(i.e., a sale on approval or a sale or return).

Where the If a buyer's obligation as a buyer is conditioned
not on its personal approval but on the article's passing a
described objective test, the risk of loss by casualty pending
the test is properly the seller's and proper return is at its
expense. On the point of "satisfaction" as meaning "reasonable
satisfaction" where when an industrial machine is involved, this
Article takes no position.

2. Pursuant to the general policies of this Act which require
good faith not only between the parties to the sales contract,
but as against interested third parties, subsection (3) resolves
all reasonable doubts as to the nature of the transaction in
favor of the general creditors of the buyer. As against such
creditors words such as "on consignment" or "on memorandum", with
or without words of reservation of title in the seller, are
disregarded when the buyer has a place of business at which he
deals in goods of the kind involved. A necessary exception is
made where the buyer is known to be engaged primarily in selling
the goods of others or is selling under a relevant sign law, or
the seller complies with the filing provisions of Article 9 as if
his interest were a security interest. However, there is no
intent in this Section to narrow the protection afforded to third
parties in any jurisdiction which has a selling Factors Act. The
purpose of the exception is merely to limit the effect of the
present subsection itself, in the absence of any such Factors
Act, to cases in which creditors of the buyer may reasonably be
deemed to have been misled by the secret reservation.

3. Subsection (4) (3) resolves a conflict in the pre-existing
preUCC case law by recognition recognizing that an "or return"
provision is so definitely at odds with any ordinary contract for
sale of goods that where written agreements are if a written
agreement is involved it the "or return" term must be contained
in a written memorandum. The "or return" aspect of a

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