LD 2245
pg. 468
Page 467 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 469 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

buyer may recover goods bought for personal, family, or household
purposes if the seller repudiates the contract or fails to
deliver the goods.__Second, in any case, the buyer may recover
the goods if the seller becomes insolvent within 10 days after he
the seller receives the first installment on their price. The
buyer's right to recover the goods under this section is an
exception to the usual rule, under which the disappointed buyer
must resort to an action to recover damages.

2. The question of whether the buyer also acquires a security
interest in identified goods and has rights to the goods when
insolvency takes place after the ten-day period provided in this
section depends upon compliance with the provisions of the
Article on Secured Transactions (Article 9 [Maine cite Article 9-

3.__Under subsection (2), the buyer's right to recover
consumer goods under subsection (1)(a) vests upon acquisition of
a special property, which occurs upon identification of the goods
to the contract.__See Section 2-501.__Inasmuch as a secured party
normally acquires no greater rights in its collateral that its
debtor had or had power to convey, see Section 2-403(1) (first
sentence), a buyer who acquires a right to recover under this
section will take free of a security interest created by the
seller if it attaches to the goods after the goods have been
identified to the contract.__The buyer will take free, even if
the buyer does not buy in ordinary course and even if the
security interest is perfected.__Of course, to the extent that
the buyer pays the price after the security interest attaches,
the payments will constitute proceeds of the security interest.

3. 4. Subsection (2) (3) is included to preclude the
possibility of unjust enrichment, which exists would exist if the
buyer were permitted to recover goods even though they were
greatly superior in quality or quantity to that called for by the
contract for sale.

Sec. B-10. 11 MRSA §2-716, sub-§(3) is amended to read:

(3) The buyer has a right of replevin for goods identified to
the contract if after reasonable effort he the buyer is unable to
effect cover for such goods or the circumstances reasonably
indicate that such effort will be unavailing, or if the goods
have been shipped under reservation and satisfaction of the
security interest in them has been made or tendered. In the case
of goods bought for personal, family or household purposes, the
buyer's right of replevin vests upon acquisition of a special
property, even if the seller had not then repudiated or failed to

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