LD 2245
pg. 476
Page 475 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 477 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

duties, and an assignment for security or financing assignment,
which substitutes the assignee for the assignor only as to
rights. Note that the assignment for security or financing
assignment is a subset of all security interests. Security
interest is defined to include "any interest of a buyer of ___
chattel paper". Section 1-201(37). Chattel paper is defined to
include a lease. Section 9-105(1)(b) 9-102 [Maine cite section
9-1102]. Thus, a buyer of leases is the holder of a security
interest in the leases. That conclusion should not influence
this issue, as the policy is quite different. Whether a buyer of
leases is the holder of a commercial assignment, or an assignment
for security or financing assignment should be determined by the
language of the assignment or the circumstances of the

Sec. B-15. 11 MRSA §2-1307, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 805, §4, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§2-1307.__Priority of liens arising by attachment or

levy on, security interests in and other

claims to goods

(1)__Except as otherwise provided in section 2-1306, a
creditor of a lessee takes subject to the lease contract.

(2)__Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) and in
sections 2-1306 and 2-1308, a creditor of a lessor takes subject
to the lease contract unless the creditor holds a lien that
attached to the goods before the lease contract became

(5)__Except as otherwise provided in section 9-1317, 9-1321
and 9-1323, a lessee takes a leasehold interest subject to a
security interest held by a creditor of the lessor.

Official Comment

3. To take priority over the lease contract, and the interests
derived therefrom, the creditor must come within one of three
exceptions the exception stated within the rule. First, in
subsection (2)(a) or within one of the provisions of Article 9
[Maine cite Article 9-A] mentioned in subsection (3).__Subsection
(2) provides that where the creditor holds a lien (Section 2A-
103(1)(r)) that attached before the lease contract became
enforceable (Section 2A-301), the creditor does not take subject
to the lease. Second, subsection (2)(b) provides that when the
creditor holds a security interest (Section 1-201(37)), whether
or not perfected, the creditor has priority over a lessee who did
not give value (Section 1-201(44)) and receive delivery of the
goods without knowledge (Section 1-201(25)) of the security
As to other lessees, under subsection (2)(c) a secured

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