LD 2245
pg. 66
Page 65 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 67 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

(c)__The secured party becomes the bank's customer with
respect to the deposit account.

(2)__A secured party that has satisfied subsection (a) has
control, even if the debtor retains the right to direct the
disposition of funds from the deposit account.

Official Comment

1. Source. New; derived from Section 8-106.

2. Why "Control" Matters. This section explains the concept
of "control" of a deposit account. "Control" under this section
may serve two functions. First, "control . . . pursuant to the
debtor's agreement" may substitute for an authenticated security
agreement as an element of attachment. See Section 9-
203(b)(3)(D) [Maine cite section 9-1203, subsection (2),
paragraph (c), subparagraph (iv)]. Second, when a deposit
account is taken as original collateral, the only method of
perfection is obtaining control under this section. See Section
9-312(b)(1) [Maine cite section 9-1312, subsection (2), paragraph

3. Requirements for "Control." This section derives from
Section 8-106 of Revised Article 8, which defines "control" of
securities and certain other investment property. Under
subsection (a)(1) [Maine cite section (1), paragraph (a)], the
bank with which the deposit account is maintained has control.
The effect of this provision is to afford the bank automatic
perfection. No other form of public notice is necessary; all
actual and potential creditors of the debtor are always on notice
that the bank with which the debtor's deposit account is
maintained may assert a claim against the deposit account.

Under subsection (a)(2) [Maine cite subsection (1), paragraph
(b)], a secured party may obtain control by obtaining the bank's
authenticated agreement that it will comply with the secured
party's instructions without further consent by the debtor. The
analogous provision in Section 8-106 does not require that the
agreement be authenticated. An agreement to comply with the
secured party's instructions suffices for "control" of a deposit
account under this section even if the bank's agreement is
subject to specified conditions, e.g., that the secured party's
instructions are accompanied by a certification that the debtor
is in default. (Of course, if the condition is the debtor's
further consent, the statute explicitly provides that the
agreement would not confer control.) See revised Section 8-106,
Comment 7.

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