LD 2245
pg. 69
Page 68 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 70 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

chattel paper. Control of electronic chattel paper contemplates
systems or procedures such that the secured party must take some
action (either directly or through its designated custodian) to
effect a change or addition to the authoritative copy. But just
as a secured party does not lose possession of tangible chattel
paper merely by virtue of the possibility that a person acting on
its behalf could wrongfully redeliver the chattel paper to the
debtor, so control of electronic chattel paper would not be
defeated by the possibility that the secured party's interest
could be subverted by the wrongful conduct of a person (such as a
custodian) acting on its behalf.

Systems that evolve for control of electronic chattel paper
may or may not involve a third party custodian of the relevant
records. However, this section and the concept of control of
electronic chattel paper are not based on the same concepts as
are control of deposit accounts (Section 9-104) [Maine cite
section 9-1104], security entitlements, a type of investment
property (Section 9-106) [Maine cite section 9-1106], and letter-
of-credit rights (Section 9-107) [Maine cite section 9-1107].
The rules for control of that collateral are based on existing
market practices and legal and regulatory regimes for
institutions such as banks and securities intermediaries.
Analogous practices for electronic chattel paper are developing
nonetheless. The flexible approach adopted by this section,
moreover, should not impede the development of these practices
and, eventually, legal and regulatory regimes, which may become
analogous to those for, e.g., investment property.

§9-1106.__Control of investment property

(1)__A person has control of a certificated security,
uncertificated security or security entitlement as provided in
section 8-1106.

(2)__A secured party has control of a commodity contract if:

(a)__The secured party is the commodity intermediary with
which the commodity contract is carried; or

(b)__The commodity customer, secured party and commodity
intermediary have agreed that the commodity intermediary
will apply any value distributed on account of the commodity
contract as directed by the secured party without further
consent by the commodity customer.

(3)__A secured party having control of all security
entitlements or commodity contracts carried in a securities
account or commodity account has control over the securities
account or commodity

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