LD 2245
pg. 87
Page 86 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 88 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

interest in them. Section 2-401 indicates that a reservation of
title by the seller of goods, despite delivery to the buyer, is
limited to reservation of a security interest. As did former
Article 9, this Article governs a security interest arising
solely under one of those sections; however, until the buyer
obtains possession of the goods, the security interest is
enforceable even in the absence of a security agreement, filing
is not necessary to perfect the security interest, and the
seller-secured party's rights on the buyer's default are governed
by Article 2.

Sections 2-711(3) and 2A-508(5) create a security interest in
favor of a buyer or lessee in possession of goods that were
rightfully rejected or as to which acceptance was justifiably
revoked. As did former Article 9, this Article governs a
security interest arising solely under one of those sections;
however, until the seller or lessor obtains possession of the
goods, the security interest is enforceable even in the absence
of a security agreement, filing is not necessary to perfect the
security interest, and the secured party's (buyer's or lessee's)
rights on the debtor's (seller's or lessor's) default are
governed by Article 2 or 2A, as the case may be.

4. Priority. This section adds to former Section 9-113 a
priority rule. Until the debtor obtains possession of the goods,
a security interest arising under one of the specified sections
of Article 2 or 2A has priority over conflicting security
interests created by the debtor. Thus, a security interest
arising under Section 2-401 or 2-505 has priority over a
conflicting security interest in the buyer's after-acquired
goods, even if the goods in question are inventory. Arguably,
the same result would obtain under Section 9-322 [Maine cite
section 9-1322], but even if it would not, a purchase-money-like
priority is appropriate. Similarly, a security interest under
Section 2-711(3) or 2A-508(5) has priority over security
interests claimed by the seller's or lessor's secured lender.
This result is appropriate, inasmuch as the payments giving rise
to the debt secured by the Article 2 or 2A security interest are
likely to be included among the lender's proceeds.

Example: Seller owns equipment subject to a security interest
created by Seller in favor of Lender. Buyer pays for the
equipment, accepts the goods, and then justifiably revokes
acceptance. As long as Seller does not recover possession of the
equipment, Buyer's security interest under Section 2711(3) is
senior to that of Lender.

In the event that a security interest referred to in this
section conflicts with a security interest that is created by a
person other than the debtor, Section 9-325 [Maine cite section

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