LD 2246
pg. 13
Page 12 of 13 An Act to Amend the Nutrient Management Laws LD 2246 Title Page
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LR 3079
Item 1

3. Provides a process for the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food
and Rural Resources to revoke a livestock operations permit;

4. Clarifies that minimum setbacks for manure storage,
stacking and spreading must be site-specific;

5. Requires that a nutrient management plan provide for
storage of manure for a minimum of 180 days;

6. Establishes compliance dates for nutrient management
plans and authorizes the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Resources to grant variances;

7. Authorizes the issuance of provisional livestock
operations permits;

8. Specifies that a person is not subject to the penalty for
failure to implement a nutrient management plan prior to the
development of a nutrient management plan. Only the penalty for
failure to develop a plan would apply;

9. Requires the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Resources to submit an annual report on implementation of
nutrient management laws;

10. Grants an exemption from property tax for animal waste
storage facilities;

11. Grants an exemption from sales tax for materials to
construct, repair or maintain an animal waste storage facility;

12. Requires the Department of Environmental Protection and
the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources to enter
into a memorandum of agreement on a process to review and issue
permits issued under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination

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