LD 2246
pg. 6
Page 5 of 13 An Act to Amend the Nutrient Management Laws Page 7 of 13
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LR 3079
Item 1

Sec. 6. 7 MRSA §4209, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 642, §2, is amended
to read:

§4209. Penalties

Failure to develop a nutrient management plan in accordance
with section 4204 or to obtain a manure management livestock
operations permit in accordance with section 4205 constitutes a
civil violation for which a forfeiture of up to $1,000 plus up to
$250 per day for every day that the violation continues may be

Failure to implement a nutrient management plan according to
the requirements of section 4204 and the rules adopted pursuant
to that section constitutes a civil violation for which a
forfeiture of up to $1000 $1,000 with an additional penalty of up
to $250 per day for every day that the violation continues may be
adjudged. Prior to development of a plan, a person is not
subject to a penalty for failure to implement a nutrient
management plan.

Failure to comply with the conditions set forth in a livestock
operations permit or a variance constitutes a civil violation for
which a forfeiture of up to $1000 $1,000 with an additional
penalty of up to $250 per day for every day that the violation
continues may be adjudged.

Winter spreading of manure in violation of section 4207
constitutes a civil violation for which a forfeiture of up to
$1000 $1,000 per day for every day that spreading occurs may be

Sec. 7. 7 MRSA §§4210 to 4213 are enacted to read:

§4210.__Revocation of certification

If the commissioner finds that a person certified to prepare
nutrient management plans has failed to comply with section 4204,
subsection 3, the commissioner may revoke that person's
certification in accordance with this section.

1. Notice.__The commissioner shall give written notice of a
revocation immediately following a decision to revoke.__A notice
of revocation must state the reason the certification is being
revoked and the effective date of the revocation and must inform
the person of the hearing provisions under subsection 2 and the
appeals process before the board.

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