LD 2249
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 Resolve, for Laying of the County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Androsc... LD 2249 Title Page
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LR 3191
Item 1

2082 - Salary Reserve Account2,000.00



; and be it further

Sec. 3. Summary. Resolved: That the figures appearing in this
resolve represent the total amount of taxes and the total
specific expenditures authorized for the calendar year 1999. The
following is a summary of revenues and appropriations:

Total Appropriations$6,734,505.39

Available Credits:

Estimated Revenue$1,312,897.89

Community Corrections411,000.00

Transfer from Surplus200,000.00

Total Available Credits1,923,897.89


Amount to be raised by taxation$4,810,607.50

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this resolve takes effect when approved.


The increase of the Androscoggin County tax assessment by
$267,933 represents a state mandate on the municipalities in
Androscoggin County. Pursuant to the Mandate Preamble, the two-
thirds vote of all members elected to each House exempts the
State from the constitutional requirement to fund 90% of the
additional local costs.


The purpose of this resolve is for laying of the county taxes
and authorizing expenditures of Androscoggin County for the year

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