LD 2252
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act to Make Additional Corrections of Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws... Page 5 of 5
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LR 3172
Item 1

This bill repeals the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 10,
section 1320, subsection 2-B. Public Law 1999, chapter 184 was
L.D. 1434, "An Act to Make Minor Corrections to the Laws
Governing Financial Regulation and Debt Collection," which was
unanimously supported by the Joint Standing Committee on Banking
and Insurance. Legislative Document 1434 was submitted by the
Office of Consumer Credit Regulation and made several
corrections. It amended Title 10, section 1320, subsection 2-B
to correct the headnote and to insert the actual date for the
reference to the "effective date of this subsection." The
headnote read, "Consumer request for consumer report"; L.D. 1434
changed the headnote to read "User request for consumer report."
Public Law 1999, chapter 150, was L.D. 1608, "An Act to Conform
Maine's Consumer Credit Laws to Federal Law and Make Other
Changes," which was proposed by banks and supported by the Office
of Consumer Credit Regulation, and unanimously supported by the
Joint Standing Committee on Banking and Insurance. It repealed
subsection 2-B because it required a notice to a consumer that is
not required under federal law. Chapters 150 and 184 create a
conflict. The bill corrects the conflict by repealing subsection
2-B with reference to both chapters.

This bill amends the Maine Criminal Code in relation to the
crime of stalking to include an updated cross-reference to the
offense of violating a protection from abuse order.

This bill clarifies the Commissioner of Corrections' duties
with regard to juvenile clients. The bill restores language that
was inadvertently omitted when the provision was restructured.

This bill amends an effective date section in Public Law 1999,
chapter 260. Legislative Document 1400, "An Act to Amend

Juvenile Corrections Laws and to Establish a Juvenile Records
Repository," was unanimously supported by the Joint Standing
Committee on Criminal Justice. The bill was proposed by the
Department of Corrections and the Department of Public Safety.
The bill contained 2 parts. Part A amended the Maine Juvenile
Code, and Part B established the State Bureau of Identification
of the Department of Public Safety as the central repository for
juvenile crime information. The last section of Part B is an
effective date section, stating that the Act is effective
September 1, 2000; however, only Part B was supposed to have a
delayed effective date and the changes to the Maine Juvenile Code
were supposed to take effect 90 days after adjournment. This
bill corrects the effective date section to state that Part B is
effective September 1, 2000.

This bill corrects a clerical mistake in Private and Special
Law, chapter 25, L.D. 1872, "An Act to Establish Municipal Cost
Components for Unorganized Territory Services to be Rendered in

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