LD 2254
pg. 2
Page 1 of 5 An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $30,000,000 to F... Page 3 of 5
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LR 3198
Item 1

hypothecated on behalf of the State. The proceeds of the sale of
the bonds, which must be held by the Treasurer of the State and
paid by the Treasurer of State upon warrants drawn by the State
Controller, are appropriated solely for the purposes set forth in
this Part. Any unencumbered balances remaining at the completion
of the project in section 7 of this Part lapse to the debt service
account established for the retirement of these bonds.

Sec. A-4. Taxable bond option. The Treasurer of State, at the
direction of the Governor, shall covenant and consent that the
interest on the bonds is includable under the United States
Internal Revenue Code in the gross income of the holders of the
bonds to the same extent and in the same manner that the interest
on bills, bonds, notes or other obligations of the United States
is includable in the gross income of the holders under the United
States Internal Revenue Code or any subsequent law. The powers
conferred by this section are not subject to any limitations or
restrictions of any law that may limit the power to so covenant
and consent.

Sec. A-5. Interest and debt retirement. The Treasurer of State shall pay
interest due or accruing on any bonds issued under this Part and
all sums coming due for payment of bonds at maturity.

Sec. A-6. Disbursement of bond proceeds. The proceeds of the bonds must
be expended for acquisition of lands and interests in lands for
conservation, water access, outdoor recreation, fish and wildlife
habitat and farmland preservation in accordance with the
provisions for such acquisitions under the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 5, chapter 353, except that use of the proceeds
of these bonds is subject to the following conditions and

1. Hunting, fishing, trapping and free public access may not
be prohibited on land acquired with bond proceeds, except as
restricted by applicable state or federal laws.

2. Before any bond proceeds are expended, they must be
matched with at least $25,000,000 in private contributions.
Matching contributions may not include the value of project-
related in-kind contributions of goods and services.

3. Ten percent of the bond proceeds must be transferred to
the Boating Facilities Fund established in Title 12, section

4. Except as provided in Title 5, section 6208-A, land may
not be purchased in any community without an affirmative vote of
the legislative body of the municipality or municipalities in
which the land is located.

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