LD 2257
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act to Update the Statutes of the Maine Conservation Corps Page 4 of 4
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LR 3215
Item 1

other agencies and organizations to design the program to provide
maximum volunteer and work opportunities, job skills training,
education, improvements to publicly owned property and assistance
with projects conducted by public agencies and nonprofit

The director shall work with state and local job training
agencies, including other service delivery areas and the job
service, which shall may conduct recruitment and referral of
individuals interested in participating in the Corps. Agency
collaboration with the Corps is on a voluntary basis.

There is established a dedicated account for the use of the
Corps. This account must be used to receive funds contributed by
private and public agencies, organizations or individuals and to
expend those funds to promote the purposes of this chapter.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, state agencies may
transfer money appropriated from the General Fund into this
account for purposes of contributing to projects, services or
volunteer stipends that benefit the contributing agency. The
Corps may enter into an agreement with a private nonprofit
organization designated by the executive director of the
workforce development center for the purpose of assisting with
the management and operation of the Maine Conservation Corps.__
The designated organization may accept federal and state funds
and private contributions, directly or through the Corps, for the
purpose of developing and operating programs of the Corps.

§2186. Corps members

Members of the Corps who are paid wages or a living allowance
through the General Fund account of the Corps or through its
dedicated account must receive personal liability insurance and
workers' compensation insurance, and those who meet the income
guidelines in section 2182 must be compensated at least the
minimum wage and must receive personal liability insurance and
workers' compensation insurance or an annualized living allowance
of at least 75% of the minimum wage times 2,080. Notwithstanding
other state laws, Corps members are not deemed considered
employees of the State for the purposes of Title 5, chapter 101.

Sec. 2. 26 MRSA c. 34, sub-c. II is amended by repealing the subchapter
headnote and enacting the following in its place:



Sec. 3. 26 MRSA §§2191, 2192, 2193 and 2195, as enacted by PL 1993, c.
410, Pt. O, §4, are amended to read:

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