LD 2263
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LR 3670
Item 1

§12-306.__Powers and functions of administrator

Article VI, Part I applies to debt management services.


The administrator may adopt rules pursuant to Title 5, chapter
375 and in accordance with this Article.__Rules adopted pursuant
to this section are routine technical rules pursuant to Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.



§12-401.__Effects of violations on rights of parties

Any debt management service that violates any provision of
this Title or any rule issued by the administrator or that
through any unfair, unconscionable or deceptive practice causes
actual damage to a consumer is subject to the following:

1.__After notice and hearing, a cease and desist order from
the administrator;

2.__After notice and hearing, forfeiture of such portion of
the required bond as proportionately may make aggrieved parties

3.__A civil action by the administrator through the Attorney
General, after which a court may assess a civil penalty of not
more than $5,000;

4.__A civil action by an aggrieved consumer in which that
consumer has the right to recover actual damages from the debt
management service in an amount determined by the court plus
costs of the action together with reasonable attorney's fees; and

5.__Revocation, suspension or nonrenewal of the debt
management service's registration pursuant to section 2-303.

Sec. 2. 17 MRSA §701, as amended by PL 1971, c. 424, §8, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§701.__Business prohibited

1.__Budget planning.__Except as provided in subsection 2, a
person, firm, association or corporation may not engage in the
business of budget planning.

2.__Prohibition.__This chapter does not apply to:

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