LD 2303
pg. 3
Page 2 of 6 An Act to Amend Truck Weights Page 4 of 6
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LR 3688
Item 1

(2) Tri-axle does not exceed 50,000 pounds;.

D. All brakes, axles and suspensions are certified for
weight capacity by a final stage manufacturer. The
certification must be presented before the permit is issued.
The certification must be affixed to or carried in the
vehicle and presented on request to a state police officer;

E. A general commodity permit is obtained. The permit must
be carried in the vehicle at all times. The fee for an
annual permit is $252; a 3-month permit is $75; and a permit
for a period of 4 months or more is $21 per month. A permit
may be transferred to another vehicle for an additional fee
of $2.

The permit may be obtained from a branch office of the
Secretary of State, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, or from an
agent appointed by the Secretary of State. A municipal
agent may charge an additional $1 and may retain that sum as

Revenue from the permit fee must be expended for the
enforcement of truck weight regulations.

Nothing contained in this subsection applies to vehicles using
the Interstate Highway System as defined in the Federal Aid
Highway Act of 1956.

For vehicles operating under this subsection gross vehicle weight
violations are determined on the basis of 90,000 pounds.

For all vehicles manufactured, modified or retrofitted with
liftable or variable load suspension axles after October 30,
1991, liftable or variable load suspension axles are permitted
only under the following conditions: only one liftable or
variable load axle may be present on the truck tractor and only
one liftable or variable load axle may be present on the
semitrailer; liftable or variable load axles must be located on
the vehicle so that they are legally part of the tandem axle
group or tri-axle group as appropriate; and the axle weight
rating of liftable or variable load axles must conform to the
expected loading of the suspension and must be 20,000 pounds or

Sec. 8. 29-A MRSA §2357, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 683, Pt. A,
§2 and affected by Pt. B, §5, is amended to read:

4. Six-axle combination. Notwithstanding subsection 2, a 6-
axle combination vehicle, consisting of a 3-axle truck tractor

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