LD 2320
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Increase the Bonding Limit of the Trustees of the City of Brewer High... LD 2320 Title Page
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LR 3459
Item 1

"Do you favor increasing the debt limit of the City of
Brewer High School District from $2,500,000 to $5,000,000?"

The voters shall indicate by a cross or check mark placed
against the words "Yes" or "No" their opinion of the same.

This Act takes effect for all purposes immediately upon its
approval by a majority vote of the legal voters voting at the
election, provided the total number of votes cast for and against
the approval of this Act at the election equals or exceeds 20% of
the total vote for all candidates for Governor in the city at the
next preceding gubernatorial election. Failure of approval of
this Act by the necessary percentage of voters at such election
or otherwise does not prevent a 2nd election being held at any
other election of the City of Brewer held on or before December
31, 2000.

The election results must be declared by the municipal
officers of the City of Brewer and due certificate of the results
filed by the city clerk with the Secretary of State.


This bill increases the debt limit of the City of Brewer High
School District from $2,500,000 to $5,000,000 subject to approval
at referendum by the voters of the City of Brewer.

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