LD 2327
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 Resolve, to Establish a Commission to Study Teacher Recruitment and Retention ... LD 2327 Title Page
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LR 3804
Item 1

The commission shall also study and report to the Legislature
its findings on:

1. The causes of teacher shortages in the State;

2. The persistence of new teachers in positions for which
they are hired and the reasons for any attrition;

3. The types and numbers of new teachers Maine schools will
need to hire during the next decade;

4. The conditions and practices that lead to the recruitment
and retention of an adequate supply of highly qualified teachers
at the kindergarten-to-grade-12 level; and

5. Recommendations of both local-level and state-level
actions to achieve those conditions and practices; and be it

Sec. 6. Staff assistance. Resolved: That, upon approval of the
Legislative Council, the Office of Policy and Legal Analysis
shall provide necessary staffing services to the commission; and
be it further

Sec. 7. Reimbursement. Resolved: That the members of the commission
are entitled to reimbursement for travel and other necessary
expenses, upon application to the Legislative Council; and be it

Sec. 8. Report. Resolved: That the commission shall submit its
report, together with any necessary implementing legislation, to
the First Regular Session of the 120th Legislature no later than
January 15, 2001. If the commission requires a limited extension
of time to conclude its work, it may apply to the Legislative
Council, which may grant the extension.


This resolve establishes the Commission to Study Teacher
Recruitment and Retention.

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