LD 2333
pg. 3
Page 2 of 9 An Act to Clarify the Laws Relating to Corporate and Other Entities Page 4 of 9
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LR 3692
Item 1

B. Its jurisdiction of incorporation;

C. The date of its authorization to carry on activities in
this State;

D. The address of its then registered office;

E. If its registered office is to be changed, the address
to which the registered office is to be changed;

F. The name of its then registered agent;

G. If its registered agent is to be changed, the The name
of its successor registered agent;

H. That the registered agent has a business office at the
registered office, after giving effect to the changes
stated; and

I. That each change therein stated was authorized by the
board of directors.

In the alternative, if the registered agent for one or more
foreign corporations changes the address of his or its office
from the registered office appearing on the record in the office
of the Secretary of State, the registered agent may change the
registered office of such corporation by filing, in accordance
with section 106, a statement executed by the registered agent
and setting forth, for each foreign corporation for which he or
it is such registered agent, the information required by
paragraphs A, B, D, E and H and reciting that notice of such
change has been sent to each of such foreign corporations.

Sec. 13. 13-B MRSA §1212, sub-§2-A is enacted to read:

2-A.__Change in name of current registered agent or registered
office.__If the registered agent of one or more foreign
corporations changes its name or registered office from that
appearing on the record in the office of the Secretary of State,
the registered agent shall execute and deliver for filing in
accordance with sections 104 and 106 a statement setting forth:

A.__The name of the current registered agent;

B.__If the current registered agent has had a name change,
the new name of the registered agent;

C.__If the address of the registered office has changed, the
address of the former registered office;

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