LD 2334
pg. 19
Page 18 of 24 An Act to Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine Page 20 of 24
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LR 3222
Item 1

evaluation date. Section 6 applies the correction retroactively
to the effective date of the budget bill.

Section 7 and the section that repeals Title 32, section 1901,
subsection 1-A correct a conflict created by Public Law 1999,
chapters 84 and 179, which affected the same provision of law.
Chapter 84 repealed Title 32, chapter 29 and enacted Title 7,
chapter 404. Chapter 179 enacted Title 32, section 1901,
subsection 1-A, which is in Title 32, chapter 29. These sections
correct that conflict by repealing Title 32, section 1901,
subsection 1-A and enacting a corresponding provision in Title 7,
chapter 404.

Section 8 and the section that repeals Title 32, section 1901,
subsection 1-B correct a conflict created by Public Law 1999,
chapters 84 and 179, which affected the same provision of law.
Chapter 84 repealed Title 32, chapter 29 and enacted Title 7,
chapter 404. Chapter 179 enacted Title 32, section 1901,
subsection 1-B, which is in Title 32, chapter 29. These sections
correct that conflict by repealing Title 32, section 1901,
subsection 1-B and enacting a corresponding provision in Title 7,
chapter 404. Section 9 applies the changes made by section 8
retroactively to December 31, 1999.

Section 10 and the section that repeals Title 32, section
1901, subsection 2 correct a conflict created by Public Law 1999,
chapters 84 and 179, which affected the same provision of law.
Chapter 84 repealed Title 32, chapter 29 and enacted Title 7,
chapter 404. Chapter 179 enacted Title 32, section 1901,
subsection 2, which is in Title 32, chapter 29. These sections
correct that conflict by repealing Title 32, section 1901,
subsection 2 and enacting a corresponding provision in Title 7,
chapter 404.

Section 11 corrects a numbering problem created by Public Law
1997, chapters 527 and 528, which enacted 2 substantively
different provisions with the same section number.

Sections 12 and 13 correct a conflict created by Public Law
1997, chapters 474 and 528, which both affected Title 8, section
275-I. Chapter 528 repealed the section and chapter 474 amended
that section to add language regarding the distribution of
certain wagers placed at racetracks. These sections repeal Title
8, section 275-I and amend Title 8, section 292 to add the
chapter 474 language.

Section 14 corrects a conflict created by Public Law 1999,
chapters 146 and 386, which affected the same provision of law,
by incorporating the changes made by both laws.

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