LD 2334
pg. 24
Page 23 of 24 An Act to Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine LD 2334 Title Page
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LR 3222
Item 1

paragraph G, and chapter 468, which repealed that paragraph.
This section corrects the conflict by repealing the paragraph.

Section 63 corrects a conflict created by Public Law 1995,
chapters 36 and 277, which amended the same provision of law, by
repealing the provision and replacing it with the chapter 277

Section 64 corrects an error by applying retroactively the
repeal of a repealer to May 1, 1999.

Section 65 corrects an amending clause.

Section 66 corrects an enacting clause.

Section 67 corrects an amending clause.

Sections 68 to 70 correct a clerical error and make the
changes retroactive to January 1, 1999.

Sections 71 and 72 clarify that the Cub Care drug rebate
program is not contingent on funds for the Fund for a Healthy

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