LD 2375
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act to Rid Maine's Waters of Ocean Vessel Sewage LD 2375 Title Page
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LR 3857
Item 1

3. Requires that, beginning August 1, 2000, any new
construction of or expansion of public or private marinas must
include operational pump-out stations and waste reception

4. Beginning July 15, 2005, requires that watercraft
operating on coastal waters of the State that have a permanently
installed sanitary waste disposal system have a holding tank or
container to prevent discharge or drainage into the inland waters
or coastal waters of the State; and

5. Beginning July 15, 2005, regulates the discharge of sewage
from boats, specifies the types of marine toilets a boat must be
equipped with to operate in coastal waters and prohibits
discharge of sewage from boats into waters of the State that have
been declared by the Federal Government to be "no discharge"

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