LD 2381
pg. 1
LD 2381 Title Page An Act to Ensure Fuel Deliveries by Allowing Fuel Delivery Vehicles to Travel o... LD 2381 Title Page
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LR 3653
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 29-A MRSA §2395, sub-§§3 and 4, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 683,
Pt. A, §2 and affected by Pt. B, §5, are amended to read:

3. Designation by the Department of Transportation. The
Department of Transportation may designate state and state aid
highways and bridges over which restrictions on gross weight,
speed, operation and equipment apply during periods of the year
determined by the Department. It is unlawful for any vehicle to
travel over public ways with a gross registered weight exceeding
that prescribed by the Department and traveling with a load other
than tools or equipment necessary for operation of the vehicle
except as prescribed in paragraph A.

A.__Home heating oil, kerosene and propane delivery vehicles
are allowed when traveling to or from a delivery of home
heating oil, kerosene or propane to travel on all local,
state and federal posted heavy-loads-limited roads while
having a gross registered weight or actual weight exceeding
the weight limitation of the posted road.__Permits from the
State or any political subdivision of the State for this
purpose are not required for this exception.

4. Designation by counties and municipalities. County
commissioners and municipal officers may designate public ways
other than those in subsection 3 and impose restrictions within
their respective jurisdictions similar to those made by the
Department of Transportation under subsection 3. The exception
in subsection 3, paragraph A for home heating oil, kerosene and
propane delivery vehicles applies to counties and municipalities,
and permits are not required for that exception.


This bill provides an exemption for home heating oil, kerosene
and propane delivery vehicles from the requirements of having to
obtain permits in order to traverse posted roads when they are
making deliveries. Currently, these vehicles obtain statewide
exemption permits from the State for traveling on state roads.
However, for local roads, if the municipality has not adopted the
Maine Municipal Association model ordinance, the vehicle must
apply at each municipality for the exemption to traverse the
local roads.

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