LD 2386
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LD 2386 Title Page An Act to Establish a Deer Hunting Season in the Town of Cranberry Isles Page 2 of 2
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §7406, sub-§22 is enacted to read:

22.__Hunting without consent.__A person is guilty of hunting
without consent if that person:

A.__Hunts deer on another person's land in the Town of
Cranberry Isles without first obtaining written permission
to hunt on that land from the landowner or the landowner's

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §7457, sub-§1, ¶D, as amended by PL 1995, c. 455, §30,
is further amended to read:

D. There is a continual closed season on deer in the
following places:

(1) Mount Desert Island;

(2) Cross Island in Washington County;

(3) Scotch Island in Washington County;

(4) The Town of Isle au Haut and the islands within the
confines of the Town of Isle au Haut in Knox County;

(5) Wildlife sanctuaries that have been established by
law, except as provided in section 7653;

(6) All of Swan Island in the Town of Swan's Island in
Hancock County;

(7) The Town of Islesboro in Waldo County, except that a
person may hunt deer in that town with bow and arrow
from the first day of the special archery season on
deer, established in accordance with section 7102-A,
subsection 6, paragraph C, to the end of the regular
firearm season on deer of each calendar year in Waldo
County; and

(8) The whole of Cranberry Isles in Hancock County; and

(9) The whole of Long Island in Long Island Plantation in
Hancock County.

Sec. 3. Expanded archery deer hunting season for Town of Cranberry Isles. The
Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife shall establish,
pursuant to the rule-making authority set out in the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 12, section 7102-B, an expanded archery
deer hunting season for the Town of Cranberry Isles beginning
with the hunting season in 2001.

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