LD 2391
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act to Simplify the Approval Process of Existing State Tax Increment Financi... Page 3 of 3
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LR 3655
Item 1

A. Determining the gross state tax increment as applicable
to the particular district;

B. Determining the state tax increment as applicable to the
particular district by removing from the gross state tax
increment the following:

(1) Revenues attributed to business activity shifted
from affiliated businesses to the state tax increment
financing district. This adjustment is calculated by
comparing the current year's sales and income tax
revenues for each designated business that is a member
of an affiliated group with revenues for the group as a
whole. If the growth in sales and income tax revenue
for the entire group exceeds the growth of sales and
income tax revenue generated by the designated
business, the gross state tax increment does not have
to be adjusted to remove business activity shifted from
affiliated businesses. If the growth in sales and
income tax revenue for the affiliated group is less
than the growth in sales and income tax revenue for the
designated business, the difference is presumed to have
been shifted from affiliated businesses to the
designated business and the gross state tax increment
for the district is reduced by the difference; and

(2) Revenues attributed to retail spending shifts.
Actual sales tax collections within the market area
during the current year must be compared to the
committee's projected level of sales tax collections
within the market area for the current year assuming
the absence of the state tax increment financing
district. If actual sales tax collections within the
market area are less than projected sales tax
collections within the market area, the difference is
presumed to be shifts in retail spending and the total
sales tax collection within the state tax increment
financing district is reduced by the difference; and

(3) Revenues attributed to normal growth. This
adjustment is calculated by subtracting from the gross
state tax increment a figure obtained by multiplying
the previous year's total amount of sales taxes
reported and income taxes withheld by designated
businesses within the district by the percentage change
in sales tax receipts and withholding taxes for all
businesses within the State as a whole;

C. Offsetting designated businesses with negative tax increments
with those with positive increments in

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