LD 2392
pg. 1
LD 2392 Title Page An Act to Provide Safety for Forest Rangers and the Public LD 2392 Title Page
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LR 3339
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §8901, sub-§§4 and 5 are enacted to read:

4.__Training.__Any forest ranger and the state supervisor
authorized under subsection 3 to perform the duties of law
enforcement officers must successfully meet and maintain the
training standards and requirements for other state law
enforcement officers as established in Title 25, chapter 341.

5.__Equipment.__Any forest ranger and the state supervisor who
has successfully completed the training required under subsection
4 may be issued personal protective equipment, including, but not
limited to, body armor, handcuffs, pepper spray, firearms,
magazines, magazine holders, duty belts, ammunition and other
related materiel for the protection of the public, the forest
ranger and the state supervisor.

Sec. 2. 25 MRSA §2801-B, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1997, c. 678, §21,
is further amended to read:

1. Exemption. The training standards and requirements of
this chapter do not apply to the persons defined by this chapter
as law enforcement officers who are:

A. Employees of the Department of Corrections with a duty
to perform probation functions or to perform intensive
supervision functions; or

B. Agents or representatives of the Department of
Conservation, Bureau of Parks and Lands, whose law
enforcement powers are limited to those specified in Title
12, section 1821; or.

C. Agents or representatives of the Department of
Conservation, Bureau of Forestry, whose law enforcement
powers are limited to those specified by Title 12, section
8901, subsection 3.

Sec. 3. PL 1999, c. 352, §§3 and 4 are repealed.


Under this bill, law enforcement officers within the
Department of Conservation, Division of Forest Protection are
required to have training equivalent to other law enforcement
personnel and are authorized to use personal protective

This bill also repeals the provision that requires the
Commissioner of Conservation to sell bullet-proof vests, firearms
and related equipment for the use of certain Bureau of Forestry
employees and the provision that prohibits the commissioner from
purchasing similar equipment.

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