LD 2394
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Allow Limited Access to Information Relating to Investigation of Abus... LD 2394 Title Page
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LR 3256
Item 1

3. The committee may use the information in drafting a report,
recommendations and legislation as long as this is done in a manner
that does not directly or indirectly identify any Governor Baxter
School for the Deaf student or student's family member, unless the
student or family member has consented to such use in writing.
Discussion of identifying information may occur only in executive
session pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 1, section
405, subsection 6, paragraph F and this Act.

4. The committee shall at all times keep the records in a
safe place to which the public does not have access.

5. The committee shall complete review of the information by
April 15, 2000.

6. When the committee has completed its review of records,
the committee shall return the records to the provider of the

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill gives the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary
access to information, including records, relating to any
investigation of abuse that occurred at the Governor Baxter
School for the Deaf, notwithstanding applicable confidentiality

This bill establishes the basic process of review of the
records to ensure that confidential records and information are
not disclosed beyond the committee, its nonpartisan staff and the
Office of the Attorney General.

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