LD 2429
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act to Address the Teacher Shortage in Maine Page 4 of 4
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LR 3351
Item 1

repaid based upon the following schedule.__If the eligible person
teaches in the qualifying area school for the amount of time
specified in this section, the following amounts must be repaid by
the department:

1.__First year.__At the end of the first year of teaching, 5%
of the original amount of education loans is eligible for
repayment by the department;

2.__Second year.__At the end of the 2nd year of teaching, 15%
of the original amount of education loans is eligible for
repayment by the department;

3.__Third year.__At the end of the 3rd year of teaching, 15%
of the original amount of education loans is eligible for
repayment by the department; and

4.__Fourth year.__At the end of the 4th year of teaching, 15%
of the original amount of education loans is eligible for
repayment by the department.

In no event may the amount repaid by the department exceed 50%
of the original amount of education loans made to the eligible


Only a person who meets the following requirements is eligible
to participate in the program.

1.__Certified.__The person must be certified by the
commissioner under chapter 501 or 502 in order to:

A. Teach in any public elementary or secondary school in the
State; or

B. Teach in any private school receiving basic approval
under section 2901.

2.__Outstanding loans.__The person must have an outstanding
education loan or loans.

3.__Hired after determination.__The person must be hired to
teach in an underserved subject area after the determination of
the commissioner that the school is a critical area school or
qualifying area school.

§12526.__Payment provisions

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