LD 2487
pg. 30
Page 29 of 30 An Act to Amend the Jurisdiction of the District Court LD 2487 Title Page
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LR 3308
Item 1

4, except that the jurisdiction in the Administrative District
Court shall does not include the issuance, renewal, denial or
revocation of a license of a public utility. The Administrative
District Court may impose fines in accordance with Title 4,
section 1156 184, subsection 8.

Sec. 79. Transition provisions.

1. The District Court is the successor in every way to the
powers, duties and functions of the former Administrative Court.

2. Any positions authorized and allocated subject to the
personnel laws to the former Administrative Court are transferred
to the District Court and may continue to be authorized. The
Chief Judge and the Associate Judge of the former Administrative
Court are District Court judges for all purposes. Their terms as
District Court judges are for the balances of the terms for which
they were confirmed as judges of the Administrative Court; no
appointment or confirmation is required for each to serve the
remainder of their terms as District Court judges.

3. All records, property and equipment previously belonging
to or allocated for the use of the former Administrative Court
become, on the effective date of this Act, part of the property
of the District Court.

Sec. 80. Maine Revised Statutes amended; revision clause. Wherever in the
Maine Revised Statutes the words "Administrative Court" appear or
reference is made to those words, they are amended to read and
mean "District Court," and the Revisor of Statutes shall
implement this revision when updating, publishing or republishing
the statutes.


This bill amends the jurisdiction of the District Court in 2
ways. First, it gives the District Court the equitable
jurisdiction to order the partition of property by sale. Both
the Superior Court and the probate courts currently have this
equity jurisdiction in the situation where a life tenant is
followed by a contingent remainder. Boyer v. Boyer, 1999 ME 128
(August 5, 1999).

Second, this bill gives the District Court all the
jurisdiction, powers and responsibilities of the Administrative
Court and eliminates the Administrative Court. The 2 sitting
Administrative Court judges become District Court judges, serving
the remainder of their terms without reappointment or

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