LD 2591
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act Relating to Telemarketing Page 3 of 3
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LR 4054
Item 1

3.__Do-not-call list.__A transient seller of consumer merchandise
who is a telemarketer, as defined in the Federal Trade Commission's
Telemarketing Sales Rule, 16 Code of Federal Regulations, Section
310.2, as in effect on January 1, 2000:

A. Shall, in February, May, August and November of each
year, obtain subscription listings of consumers in this
State who have arranged to be included on the national do-
not-call list maintained by the Telephone Preference Service
of the Direct Marketing Association, Inc., Farmingdale, New
York or its successor organization; and

B. May not call any consumer in this State whose name is on
the national do-not-call list.

A person is not in violation of paragraph B if the person
obtained the listing of a consumer in accordance with paragraph A
but called that consumer as the result of a good faith error.


This bill, reported out by the Joint Standing Committee on
Utilities and Energy pursuant to a joint order, amends the
transient sales law with respect to telemarketers and modifies
the law regarding the use of automated telephone calling devices.
Specifically, this bill:

1. Incorporates the Federal Trade Commission's Telemarketing
Sales Rule into the transient sales law;

2. Prohibits a transient seller of consumer merchandise who
is a telemarketer and who initiates telephone contact with a
consumer from obtaining or submitting for payment a check, draft
or other form of negotiable paper drawn on a consumer's checking,
savings or bond or other account without the consumer's express,
verifiable written authorization;

3. Prohibits a transient seller of consumer merchandise who
is a telemarketer and who initiates telephone contact with a
consumer from procuring the services of any professional delivery
courier or other pick-up service to obtain immediate receipt or
possession of a consumer's payment, unless the goods are
delivered with the opportunity to inspect before any payment is

4. Requires a transient seller of consumer merchandise who is
a telemarketer to obtain subscription listings of consumers

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