LD 2600
pg. 11
Page 10 of 23 An Act to Implement the Land Use Recommendations of the Task Force on State Off... Page 12 of 23
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LR 3908
Item 1

(5) Established an ongoing board of directors, with
associated committees;

(6) Provided an adequate operating budget;

(7) Hired a professional downtown manager;

(8) Established an ongoing training program for staff
and volunteers;

(9) Developed the capacity to report on the progress of
the downtown program; and

(10) Established the ability and willingness to support
integrated marketing efforts for retailers, services,
activities and events.

4. Criteria; conditions for public service infrastructure
grants and loans. The Department of Economic and Community
Development, in conjunction with the bank, shall develop criteria
and conditions for the award of public service infrastructure
loans and grants to eligible municipalities after consultation
with the Municipal Capital Investment Advisory Commission and
subject to the requirements of this section. The department

A. Give priority to those municipalities that are
experiencing rapid growth and possess a public service
infrastructure inadequate to accommodate that growth;

B. Establish a preference for those municipalities eligible
under subsection 3, paragraph D, subparagraph (1) over those
municipalities eligible under subsection 3, paragraph D,
subparagraph (2);

C. Establish a preference for those municipalities with
higher local property tax burdens. The comparative local
property tax burden must be determined under section 5681;

D. Establish a preference for capital investment projects
undertaken jointly by 2 or more municipalities or that
provide substantial regional benefits;

E. Adopt other criteria as it determines necessary to
ensure that loans and grants made under this section
maximize the ability of municipalities to accommodate
planned growth and economic development; and

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