LD 2600
pg. 14
Page 13 of 23 An Act to Implement the Land Use Recommendations of the Task Force on State Off... Page 15 of 23
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LR 3908
Item 1

(8) Other funds from any public or private source
received for use for any of the purposes for which the
fund has been established.

2. Uses. The fund may be used for one or more of the
following purposes:

A. To make grants and loans to municipalities under this
section and section 5953-D;

B. To guarantee or insure, directly or indirectly, the
payment of notes or bonds issued or to be issued by a
municipality for the purpose of financing the construction
of any capital improvement described in section 5953-D,
subsection 1;

C. To guarantee or insure, directly or indirectly, funds
established by municipalities for the purpose of financing
construction of any capital improvement described in section
5953-D, subsection 1;

D. To invest available fund balances and to credit the net
interest income on those balances to the fund;

E. To invest as a source of revenue or security for the
payment of principal and interest on general or special
obligations of the bank if the proceeds of the sale of the
obligations have been deposited in the fund or loaned to
eligible participants in the programs financed with the
fund, or as a source of revenue to subsidize municipal loan
payment obligations; and

F. To pay the costs of the bank associated with the
administration of the fund and projects financed by it as
long as no more than 2% of the aggregate of the highest fund
balance in any fiscal year is used for these purposes.

3. Establishment of accounts. The bank may establish
accounts and subaccounts within the fund as it determines
desirable to effectuate the purposes of this section, including,
but not limited to, accounts to segregate a portion of the fund
for grants and as security for bonds issued by the bank for
deposit in the fund and to be invested for the benefit of
specified projects receiving financial assistance from the fund.

Sec. 12. Department of Economic and Community Development to develop investment
policy to assist municipalities and private property owners in the redevelopment of
downtowns. The Department of Economic and Community Development
shall develop an

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