LD 2601
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act to Implement the Transportation Recommendations of the Task Force Create... LD 2601 Title Page
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LR 3909
Item 1

access management law and clarifies that the Department of
Transportation is directed and municipalities are authorized to
make rules that establish priorities that ensure avoidance,
minimization and mitigation of the negative impacts of access on
highway operations consistent with functional classifications. It
further clarifies that no permit is needed for existing driveways
unless grade or location or the use served by the driveway are
changed and that the department and municipalities shall deny
access where access rights have been purchased by the department.
Until rules become effective, the bill limits lots of record in
existence on July 1, 2000 and having state highway frontage to one
driveway, entrance or approach onto that state highway. The fine
for violation of this law is increased from $100 in total to $100
per day per violation.

The bill requires the Department of Transportation to work
cooperatively with the State Planning Office and regional
councils to provide training, technical assistance and
information to municipalities on road planning, road maintenance,
sidewalks and neighborhood involvement. The bill also requires
the department to begin a strategic planning process to address
challenges such as administrative streamlining of transit
funding; marketing and redesign of transit to appeal to a wider
range of customers; innovative financing of transit projects;
connectivity to airports and rail; and other issues. The
department shall present a status report to the Legislature on
the strategic planning process. The bill also requires the
department to work with the Department of Human Services and the
Department of Environmental Protection to identify funding
sources for innovative transit and transportation projects that
address sprawl and air quality issues.

The bill appropriates $500,000 to the Department of
Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Services to return the
level of General Fund support for alternative transportation to
1980's levels, adjusted for inflation according to the Consumer
Price Index.

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