LD 2607
pg. 1
LD 2607 Title Page An Act Concerning Previous Passamaquoddy Indian Territory Legislation Page 2 of 2
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LR 4021
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 30 MRSA §6205, sub-§1, ¶B, as amended by PL 1993, c. 713, §1,
is further amended to read:

B. The first 150,000 acres of land acquired by the
secretary for the benefit of the Passamaquoddy Tribe from
the following areas or lands to the extent that those lands
are acquired by the secretary prior to January 31, 1991, are
not held in common with any other person or entity and are
certified by the secretary by January 31, 1991, as held for
the benefit of the Passamaquoddy Tribe:

The lands of Great Northern Nekoosa Corporation located in
T.1, R.8, W.B.K.P. (Lowelltown), T.6, R.1, N.B.K.P. (Holeb),
T.2, R.10, W.E.L.S. and T.2, R.9, W.E.L.S.; the land of
Raymidga Company located in T.1, R.5, W.B.K.P. (Jim Pond),
T.4, R.5, B.K.P.W.K.R. (King and Bartlett), T.5, R.6,
B.K.P.W.K.R. and T.3, R.5, B.K.P.W.K.R.; the land of the
heirs of David Pingree located in T.6, R.8, W.E.L.S.; any
portion of Sugar Island in Moosehead Lake; the lands of
Prentiss and Carlisle Company located in T.9, S.D.; any
portion of T.24, M.D.B.P.P.; the lands of Bertram C. Tackeff
or Northeastern Blueberry Company, Inc. in T.19, M.D.B.P.P.;
any portion of T.2, R.8, N.W.P.; any portion of T.2, R.5,
W.B.K.P. (Alder Stream); the lands of Dead River Company in
T.3, R.9, N.W.P., T.2, R.9, N.W.P., T.5, R.1, N.B.P.P. and
T.5, N.D.B.P.P.; any portion of T.3, R.1, N.B.P.P.; any
portion of T.3, N.D.; any portion of T.4, N.D.; any portion
of T.39, M.D.; any portion of T.40, M.D.; any portion of
T.41, M.D.; any portion of T.42, M.D.B.P.P.; the lands of
Diamond International Corporation, International Paper
Company and Lincoln Pulp and Paper Company located in
Argyle; and the lands of the Dyer Interests in T.A.R.7
W.E.L.S., T.3 R.9 N.W.P., T.3 R.3. N.B.K.P. (Alder Brook
Township), T.3 R.4 N.B.K.P. (Hammond Township), T.2 R.4
N.B.K.P. (Pittston Academy Grant), T.2 R.3 N.B.K.P.
(Soldiertown Township), and T.4 R.4 N.B.K.P. (Prentiss
Township), and any lands in Albany Township acquired by the
Passamaquoddy Tribe before January 1, 1991; and

Sec. 2. 30 MRSA §6205, sub-§1, ¶B-1 is enacted to read:

B-l.__Any lands in Albany Township acquired by the
Passamaquoddy Tribe before January 1, 1991; and

Sec. 3. Nonduplication of effort. The decision to rezone the property
affected by this Act and the development permit for that property
issued by the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission to the
Passamaquoddy Tribe are deemed effective without further action
by either party.

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