LD 2610
pg. 1
LD 2610 Title Page An Act to Provide Consumer Safety Certification for Snowmobiles and All-terrain... Page 2 of 2
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LR 3950
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §7824, sub-§11 is enacted to read:

11.__Consumer safety certificate.__A snowmobile registration
certificate may not be issued for a snowmobile that has a model
year that is 5 years old or less, unless the registrant provides
a copy of a previous Maine registration certificate for that
snowmobile in the name of the registrant or a consumer safety
certificate from a licensed dealer containing the following:

A.__A statement that the snowmobile has had all manufacturer
recall work or service updates required by the manufacturer
completed on that vehicle; and

B.__A statement that the registrant is registered with the
manufacturer of the snowmobile to receive any new
manufacturer recall notices or service updates that may be
issued in the future.

The consumer safety certificate may be in such form as the
commissioner determines.

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §7854, sub-§12 is enacted to read:

12.__Consumer safety certificate.__An ATV registration
certificate may not be issued for an ATV that has a model year
that is 5 years old or less, unless the registrant provides a
copy of a previous Maine registration certificate for that ATV in
the name of the registrant or a consumer safety certificate from
a licensed dealer containing the following:

A.__A statement that the ATV has had all manufacturer recall
work or service updates required by the manufacturer
completed on that vehicle; and

B.__A statement that the registrant is registered with the
manufacturer of the ATV to receive any new manufacturer
recall notices or service updates that may be issued in the

The consumer safety certificate may be in such form as the
commissioner determines.


This bill requires that at the time a person registers a
snowmobile or ATV for the first time in Maine that the person
present a certificate from a licensed dealer that the snowmobile

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