LD 2612
pg. 2
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LR 3882
Item 1

8.__Noncompacting state.__"Noncompacting state" means any
state that has not enacted the enabling legislation for this

9.__Offender.__"Offender" means an adult placed under, or
subject to, supervision as the result of the commission of a
criminal offense and released to the community under the
jurisdiction of courts, paroling authorities or corrections or
other criminal justice agencies.

10.__Person.__"Person" means any individual, corporation,
business enterprise or other legal entity, either public or

11.__Rules.__"Rules" means acts of the interstate commission,
duly promulgated pursuant to section 9878, substantially
affecting interested parties in addition to the interstate
commission that have the force and effect of law in the
compacting states.

12.__State.__"State" means a state of the United States, the
District of Columbia and any other territorial possession of the
United States.

13.__State council.__"State council" means the resident
members of the State Council for Interstate Adult Offender
Supervision created by each state under section 9874.

§9873.__Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision--

Article III

1.__Commission created.__The compacting states hereby create
the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision.__The
interstate commission is a body corporate and joint agency of the
compacting states. The interstate commission has all the
responsibilities, powers and duties set forth in this section,
including the power to sue and be sued, and such additional
powers as may be conferred upon it by subsequent action of the
respective legislatures of the compacting states in accordance
with the terms of this compact.

2.__Commissioners.__The interstate commission consists of
commissioners selected and appointed by the state council for
each state.

3.__Noncommissioner members.__In addition to the commissioners
who are the voting representatives of each state, the interstate
commission includes individuals who are not commissioners but who
are members of interested organizations.__These noncommissioner
members must include a member of the

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