LD 2614
pg. 6
Page 5 of 10 An Act to Establish Consistent Requirements in Maine State Retirement System Pl... Page 7 of 10
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LR 3968
Item 1

(1) Is in service upon or after reaching 62 years of

(2) Has been in service for a minimum of one year
immediately before retirement or has at least 5 years
of creditable service, which, for the purpose of
determining completion of the 5-year requirement, may
include creditable service as a member of the Maine
Legislative Retirement System under Title 3, section
701, subsection 8, before becoming a member of the
retirement system; and

(3) Meets the applicability requirements of subsection

Sec. 12. 5 MRSA §17851, sub-§2-B, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 489, §10,
is amended to read:

2-B. Member not in service at retirement; 10 years of
creditable service on July 1, 1993. A member who on July 1, 1993
had 10 years of creditable service and who is not in service at
retirement qualifies for a service retirement benefit upon or
after reaching 60 years of age. The For the purpose of
determining completion of the 10-year requirement, the 10 years
of creditable service may include creditable service as a member
of the Maine Legislative Retirement System under Title 3, section
701, subsection 8 before becoming a member of the retirement

A. Effective October 1, 1999, the creditable service and
age requirements of this subsection may not be increased for
a member who on or before October 1, 1999 met the creditable
service requirements for eligibility for service retirement
benefits under this subsection, whether or not the member is
in service on October 1, 1999.

B. For the purpose of calculating creditable service under
this subsection only, creditable service includes time
during which a member participated in the voluntary cost
savings plan or the voluntary employee incentive program,
authorized by Public Law 1989, chapter 702, Part F, section
6 and Public Law 1991, chapter 591, Part BB and chapter 780,
Part VV, or 10 years of combined creditable service under
this Part and Title 3, chapter 29 or creditable service
available to a member that the member was eligible to
purchase on June 30, 1993 and that the member does purchase
in accordance with rules adopted by the board.

Sec. 13. 5 MRSA §17851, sub-§2-C, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1999, c.
489, §10, are amended to read:

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