LD 2631
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Comprehensive Research and Development Evaluation LD 2631 Title Page
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LR 4102
Item 1

Maine Science and Technology Foundation

All Other$145,000

Provides funds for the Maine Science and
Technology Foundation to develop, prepare and
submit to the Governor and the Legislature the
initial evaluation of the State's public
investments in research and development.




General Fund$145,000

This bill includes a General Fund appropriation of $145,000 in
fiscal year 2000-01 for the Maine Science and Technology
Foundation to develop, prepare and submit the initial evaluation
of the State's public investments in research and development.


This bill requires the Maine Science and Technology Foundation
to prepare an initial evaluation of state investments in research
and development by July 1, 2001 and changes the date for each
subsequent 5-year evaluation from the first day of each
legislative session to July 1st. The bill also requires
recipients of state research and development funding to submit
certain information on the research and development activity to
the Maine Science and Technology Foundation in order to assist
the foundation in preparing the comprehensive evaluation.
Finally, the bill appropriates $145,000 in fiscal year 2000-01 to
the Maine Science and Technology Foundation for preparation of
the initial research and development evaluation.

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