LD 2643
pg. 1
LD 2643 Title Page An Act to Ensure that Certain Land Transfers Accomplished through Stock Transfe... Page 2 of 2
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LR 2431
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §4641-C, sub-§7, as amended by PL 1993, c. 398, §4, is
further amended to read:

7. Deeds pursuant to mergers. Deeds made pursuant to mergers
of corporations from which no gain or loss is recognized under
the Internal Revenue Code, except a deed to unimproved or
undeveloped land in excess of 100 acres;

Sec. 2. 36 MRSA §4641-C, sub-§8, as amended by PL 1981, c. 148, §1, is
further amended to read:

8. Deeds by subsidiary corporation. Deeds made by a
subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no
consideration other than the cancellation or surrender of the
subsidiary's stock, except a deed to unimproved or undeveloped
land in excess of 100 acres;

Sec. 3. 36 MRSA §4641-C, sub-§10, as amended by PL 1993, c. 398, §4,
is further amended to read:

10. Deeds by parent corporation. Deeds made by a parent
corporation to its subsidiary corporation for no consideration
other than shares of stock of the subsidiary corporation, except
a deed to unimproved or undeveloped land in excess of 100 acres;

Sec. 4. 36 MRSA §4641-C, sub-§16, as repealed and replaced by PL 1995,
c. 462, Pt. A, §69, is amended to read:

16. Certain corporate, partnership and limited liability
company deeds. Deeds between a family corporation, partnership,
limited partnership or limited liability company and its
stockholders, partners or members for the purpose of transferring
real property in the organization, dissolution or liquidation of
the corporation, partnership, limited partnership or limited
liability company under the laws of this State, if the deeds are
given for no actual consideration other than shares, interests or
debt securities of the corporation, partnership, limited
partnership or limited liability company. For purposes of this
subsection a family corporation, partnership, limited partnership
or limited liability company is a corporation, partnership,
limited partnership or limited liability company in which the
majority of the voting stock of the corporation, or of the
interests in the partnership, limited partnership or limited
liability company, is held by and the majority of the
stockholders, partners or members are persons related to each
other, including by adoption, as descendants or as spouses of
descendants of a common ancestor who was also a transferor of the
real property involved, or persons acting in a fiduciary capacity

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