LD 2645
pg. 6
Page 5 of 7 Resolve, to Create the Commission to Study Equity in the Distribution of Gas Ta... Page 7 of 7
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LR 4045
Item 1

require an additional General Fund appropriation to contract for
staff services.

The Department of Conservation, the Department of Inland
Fisheries and Wildlife and the Department of Marine Resources
will incur some minor additional costs to participate as members
of the commission, to prepare and submit the required strategic
boating plan and to provide assistance to the commission if
requested to do so. These costs can be absorbed within the
departments' existing budgeted resources.

The additional costs associated with participating as members
of the commission and providing assistance to the commission if
requested to do so can be absorbed by the Bureau of Revenue
Services and the Department of Transportation utilizing existing
budgeted resources.


This emergency resolve is a unanimous bill reported by the
Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
pursuant to a Joint Order.

The resolve creates the 15-member Commission to Study Equity
in the Distribution of Gas Tax Revenues Attributable to
Snowmobiles, All-terrain Vehicles and Watercraft. The duties of
the commission are:

1. To undertake a comprehensive effort to collect and analyze
all existing data regarding the amount and type of fuel purchased
for and consumed within this State by snowmobiles, all-terrain
vehicles and motorboats and of fuel purchased in this State for
those vehicles and consumed outside the jurisdiction of this
State. The commission shall identify areas where such
information is either incomplete or out of date or has not yet
been collected and shall undertake such research as is necessary
and within its resources to collect and update that information;

2. Based upon an analysis of the data collected, to determine
the percentage of gasoline taxes collected under the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 36, section 2903 that is paid on gasoline
consumed by snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles and motorboats;

3. To assess the needs within the Department of Inland
Fisheries and Wildlife, the Department of Conservation and the
Department of Marine Resources for enforcement of existing
snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle and watercraft laws; assess the
capital needs for equipment or facilities for maintenance of

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