LD 2648
pg. 2
Page 1 of 7 An Act to Enter Into the International Emergency Management Assistance Compact ... Page 3 of 7
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LR 4111
Item 1

The International Emergency Management Assistance Compact,
referred to in this chapter as the "compact," is made and entered
into by and between the participating member jurisdictions that
enact this compact, referred to in this chapter as "party
jurisdictions."__The following states and provinces are eligible to
become members of this compact:__Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,
New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Hampshire, Nova
Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Rhode Island and Vermont.

The purpose of this compact is to provide for mutual
assistance between the party jurisdictions entering into this
compact in managing any emergency or disaster when the governor
or premier of the affected jurisdiction or jurisdictions asks for
assistance, whether arising from natural disaster, technological
hazard, man-made disaster or civil emergency aspects of resource

This compact also provides for mutual cooperation in emergency
related exercises, testing or other training activities using
equipment and personnel simulating performance of any aspect of
the giving and receiving of aid by party jurisdictions or
subdivisions of party jurisdictions during emergencies, with such
actions occurring outside actual declared emergency periods.__
Mutual assistance in this compact may include the use of
emergency forces by mutual agreement between the party

§936.__General implementation - Article II

Each party jurisdiction entering into this compact recognizes
that many emergencies transcend political jurisdictional
boundaries and that intergovernmental coordination is essential
in managing these and other emergencies under this compact.__Each
party jurisdiction further recognizes that there will be
emergencies that require immediate access and present procedures
to apply outside resources to make a prompt and effective
response to such an emergency because few, if any, individual
party jurisdictions have all the resources they need in all types
of emergencies or the capability of delivering resources to areas
where emergencies exist.

The prompt, full and effective utilization of resources of the
participating party jurisdictions, including any resources on
hand or available from any other source that are essential to the
safety, care and welfare of the people in the event of any
emergency or disaster declared by a party jurisdiction, must be
the underlying principle on which all articles of this compact
are understood.

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