LD 2649
pg. 1
LD 2649 Title Page An Act to Allow Registration of Low-speed Vehicles LD 2649 Title Page
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LR 4082
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 29-A MRSA §101, sub-§32-A is enacted to read:

32-A.__Low-speed vehicle.__"Low-speed vehicle" means a 4-
wheeled automobile that is able to attain a speed of at least 20
miles per hour but not more than 25 miles per hour and does not
exceed 1800 pounds in unloaded weight.__"Low-speed vehicle" does
not include an ATV as defined in Title 12, section 7851.__A low-
speed vehicle must be originally manufactured and maintained in
accordance with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards as a
low-speed vehicle pursuant to 49 Code of Federal Regulations,
571.500 (1998).

Sec. 2. 29-A MRSA §501, sub-§11 is enacted to read:

11.__Low-speed vehicle.__Notwithstanding subsection 1, the
Secretary of State, on application and upon payment of excise tax
required by Title 36, section 1482, shall issue a registration
certificate and a set of plates to a low-speed vehicle.__The
annual registration fee for a low-speed vehicle is $19.__A low-
speed vehicle must be issued a special plate with the words "low
speed" instead of "Vacationland."

Sec. 3. 29-A MRSA §2089 is enacted to read:

§2089.__Low-speed vehicles

1.__Operation.__Notwithstanding any other provision of this
chapter, a low-speed vehicle may be operated on a public way only
if the posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour or less.__A low-
speed vehicle may cross a public way at an intersection where the
posted speed limit is more than 35 miles per hour.

2.__Municipal control.__In accordance with section 102, a
municipality may prohibit the operation of a low-speed vehicle on
any public way under its jurisdiction if the governing body of
the municipality determines that the prohibition is necessary in
the interest of safety.

3.__State control.__The department may prohibit the operation
of a low-speed vehicle on any public way under its jurisdiction
if it determines that the prohibition is necessary in the
interest of safety.


This bill creates a new registration for motor vehicles called
"low-speed vehicles," which are motor vehicles that can not
exceed 25 miles per hour or be operated on a public way with a
posted speed limit of more than 35 miles per hour.

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