LD 2651
pg. 2
Page 1 of 5 Resolve, to Establish the Commission to Study Domestic Violence Page 3 of 5
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LR 4126
Item 1

6. The President of the Maine Association of Criminal Defense
Lawyers, or the president's designee;

7. The President of the Maine Prosecutors Association, or the
president's designee;

8. The Director of the Maine Coalition to End Domestic
Violence, or the director's designee;

9. The Director of Violence No More, or the director's

10. The Chair of the Maine Commission on Domestic Abuse, or
the chair's designee;

11. The Victims Service Coordinator for the Department of

12. One representative of Parents of Murdered Children, Maine
Chapter, appointed by the Maine chapter leader;

13. One member of the Department of Corrections, Division of
Probation and Parole, appointed by the Commissioner of

14. The Commissioner of Public Safety, or the commissioner's
designee, who serves as an ex officio, nonvoting member; and

15. The Attorney General or the Attorney General's designee,
who serves as an ex officio, nonvoting member.

The commission shall ask the Chief Justice of the Supreme
Judicial Court to designate a judge or retired judge from the
District Court to serve on the commission as a voting member and
shall request the State Court Administrator, or the
administrator's designee, to serve on the commission as a
nonvoting member; and be it further

Sec. 3. Chairs. Resolved: That the first named Senate member is the
Senate chair of the commission and the first named House of
Representatives member is the House chair of the commission; and
be it further

Sec. 4. Appointments; meetings. Resolved: That all appointments must be
made no later than 30 days following the effective date of this
resolve. The appointing authorities shall notify the Executive
Director of the Legislative Council upon making their
appointments. When the appointment of all members

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