LD 2656
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Provide Affordability in New Home Construction for Maine Families ... LD 2656 Title Page
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LR 4131
Item 1

customer pursuant to section 1.__If a new customer is added to a
line still under contract, the utility shall recalculate all
subsequent charges as if all customers were connected initially and
terminate all contracts on the same date as the original contract.__
If the addition of a new customer causes the average length of line
per customer to fall to 300 feet or less, all contracts for that
line are terminated.__For residential developments, the developer
shall pay the cost of the installation of the extension that
exceeds 300 feet for each customer in the development.

Sec. 2. Standard installation cost. An electric utility shall submit to
the Public Utilities Commission within 90 days after the
effective date of this Act a proposed standard per-foot
installation charge for single-phase overhead distribution line
extensions that will be applied uniformly to every customer of
the utility.

Sec. 3. Application. This Act applies to all single-phase overhead
line extensions installed on or after January 1, 2000.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill requires electric utilities to provide the first 300
feet of a single-phase overhead distribution line extension to a
customer for free and allows for installment payments for up to 5
years for extensions of up to 2,000 feet, which was the policy of
Central Maine Power Company until a recent order by the Public
Utilities Commission that requires that only the first 75 feet of
a single-phase overhead line extension be provided for free to a
customer. This bill also requires electric utilities to submit a
proposed standard per-foot installation charge for single-phase
overhead distribution line extensions within 90 days after the
effective date of this bill.

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