LD 2662
pg. 10
Page 9 of 13 An Act to Amend the Maine Milk Laws Page 11 of 13
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LR 4124
Item 1

hundredweight or quart pound, the total amount paid for each pay
period, the itemized deductions for transportation and other
services, the percentages of milk in each classification and the
butterfat test, protein test and other solids test when weight and
test method of payment is used, and shall pay his Maine producers
the established minimum price for the classification components of
the milk according to its usage adjusted for butterfat, protein and
other solids and shall pay the northeast marketing area milk
marketing order producer price differential announced for Suffolk
County, Massachusetts.

Sec. B-6. 7 MRSA §3151, first and 5th ¶¶, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 573,
§4, are amended to read:

The Legislature finds that among Maine's dairy farmers, prices
received for milk differ substantially, and that these
differences arise in part from a dual marketing system whereby
approximately 1/2 the milk produced in Maine is marketed in Maine
subject to the price control authority of the Maine Milk
Commission, Maine market, while the other 1/2 is marketed to
handlers selling in southern New England, commonly known as the
Boston market, subject to the price regulations of the New
England Federal Milk Marketing Order, Milk Order No 1 northeast
marketing area milk marketing order.

The Legislature finds that dairy farms in Aroostook,
Washington and northern Penobscot Counties presently operate at
signigicantly significantly higher costs because of their
remoteness from markets and supplies; that they face greater
risks because they operate on a closer margin; that their markets
are less secure; and that negative changes in the overall economy
have a magnified effect in the northern Maine region.

Sec. B-7. 7 MRSA §3152, sub-§1-A, as amended by PL 1991, c. 266, §4,
is further amended to read:

1-A. Base minimum price. "Base minimum price" means that
part of the minimum Class I, Class II and Class III prices
established by the Maine Milk Commission pursuant to chapter 603
which that corresponds to Class I, Class II and Class III prices
established pursuant to the New England Milk Marketing Order
northeast marketing area milk marketing order, excluding any
amounts established by the Maine Milk Commission to reflect the
increased costs of production pursuant to section 2954,
subsection 2, paragraph A.

Sec. B-8. 7 MRSA §3152, sub-§1-B, as amended by PL 1991, c. 266, §5,
is further amended to read:

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