LD 2662
pg. 4
Page 3 of 13 An Act to Amend the Maine Milk Laws Page 5 of 13
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LR 4124
Item 1

address of the Maine licensed milk dealer distributor and
sufficient information to identify the milk plant where packaged.

Sec. A-4. 7 MRSA §2901-B, sub-§§1 and 2, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 663,
§1, are amended to read:

1. Notice by producer. If the criteria for use of the
certification trademark include absence of the use of rbST, a
milk producer in this State who sells milk to a dealer milk plant
who that uses the trademark must notify that milk dealer plant
before using rbST within the milking herd of the producer's dairy
farm. Notification to the dealer milk plant must be made at
least 45 days before using rbST. Notification must be made by
certified mail and sent to the dealer's milk plant's employee
responsible for milk procurement at the plant location where the
milk is processed. For purposes of this section, "possession of
rbST" means use.

2. Failure to provide notice. If a Maine milk producer fails
to give the dealer milk plant the notice required in subsection
1, the dealer milk plant is not required to comply with the
notice requirements of section 2903-A before refusing to continue
to purchase milk under any contract with that milk producer.

Sec. A-5. 7 MRSA §2901-C is enacted to read:

§2901-C.__Licenses and permits

A person required to obtain a permit or license under this
section, section 2902-A or rules adopted under section 2910 or
pursuant to former section 2902 may not sell, transport or
transfer milk or milk products prior to obtaining the appropriate
license or permit.

1.__Milk distributor license.__A milk distributor shall obtain
a license from the commissioner and shall renew that license
annually.__The license fee is based on the annual volume of milk
or milk products sold or distributed in the State.__The annual
fee may not be lower than $25 or exceed $300.__The commissioner
shall deposit all money received from milk distributor license
fees into the General Fund.

2.__Bulk milk hauler and sampler permit. A bulk milk hauler
and sampler who is based in this State shall obtain a permit from
the commissioner and shall renew that permit annually. For the
purposes of this section, "based in this State" means a bulk milk
hauler and sampler who does not have a permit from another state
to sample raw milk or raw milk products.

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